10:00 - 18:00
Call us: +372 5555 1879

Contact us: info@itsolutions.ee

10:00 - 18:00



The design of the KVHT website is done with an emphasis on user-friendliness and informativeness. The home page welcomes visitors with bright and attractive images, which immediately creates a positive impression. Navigation is intuitive, with clearly labeled sections for different categories of users such as students, parents and schools. Modern and clean fonts are used, making the text easy to read. The color scheme of the site is calm and professional, which promotes trust and perception of information. Each section of the site contains useful resources and easily accessible contact information, making it easy to interact with users. Overall, KVHT’s website design harmonizes visual appeal and functionality, making it an effective tool for engaging with the target audience.

  • User-friendly and informative design.
  • Intuitive navigation and professional color scheme.
  • Helpful resources and contacts available.
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    Our contacts

    We are always in touch and ready to answer all your questions

    Maksim Kovalevski

    Account Manager



    Business hour

    10:00 - 18:00